Note from Cooper

The staff nurses in Cooper's Neonatal ICU thank you very much for all the
handmade scarves. We really do appreciate all that you do for us, but
especially what you do for the babies and their families.

Thanks again,
Lois Meyer RNC BSN
Neonatal ICU


maureen in nj said...

Hi Gin, I used to see some posts fom you on the other charity knitting sites I belong to, but haven't in a long time.... anyway, I think what you o for Cooper is WONDERFUL, and wwonder if you will be posting an advance notice project for 2010! ( Know Cooper well.... I grew up in Cinnaminson) Maureen

Ginden said...

HI! I ended up leaving the other groups, all but AC4C, due to health problems.

We will be doing the Nurse scarves and Baby stockings again this year. Everyone seems to like the Christmas projects.

AC4C has chosen Cooper for their Oct. Project for 2010. Yippee!

Email me - ginnie 1st @

close up the spaces
